Kiwi Day N

by ColdFusion

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You like that building? I came up with it all by myself. It's... weird, and obviously crappy enough that you can tell it's not referenced, but it's a lot better than my other buildings!

I can't believe it took me this long to do a real good oldfashioned timetravel story! SO many notes I had written down, arranging them all was actually really tough, and that practice continued several more times.

One thing I really wanted to do was have some kind of visual continuity in terms of changes in the characters... but by the time I got here, I didn't want those to be permanent. Not all of them, anyway.

If you look closely, though, you'll see one particularly odd error here that shows all that focus and attention had kinda burned me out. I'm pretty sure I address that later, though, and it's not something totally unreasonable, and it's on a character who always had issues with that kind of thing, so I won't point it out here. I'll let you see it.

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