Kiwi Day N

by ColdFusion

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I was so proud of these vows I wrote, the most feelsy of all the ones ever appearing in this comic, still retaining the right tone... Shared 'em with the thread, they were not impressed. I still like 'em. Metaphors are so great. I did reorder the wording slightly and I think that did improve it, so it's always good having a sounding board no matter what.

It's kinda hard drawing people bite-kissing in an art style with such little detail, but it works, right? NeNe being unable to finger-whistle is hilarious, and I'm pretty sure I based that on my attempt to do the same when it was appropriate timing and remembering I don't know how.

I'm here to tell you cabbages really are flat and wheel-like sometimes. I've harvested them. They're delicious. Why did I randomly give Kishon a swirly fingerprint?

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