Kiwi Day N

by ColdFusion

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Haha. Boar RHYMES with bear. Did you know that? Oh man. If it wasn't for her nose, you wouldn't be able to tell that was Nalon.

I have recycled that shot of Breezeland castle so many times. Emotional moments like that really make me wish webcomics had, like, music. I mean they CAN if you put lots of work into it. Kaen's mom is super sweetles. I just now realized how vague I left this here. If you weren't reading them all in a row you might be like "who the fuck?"

I really should have made the Oppai Kage visible under Riven's tunic, but this was really just a rush to make everyone line up with their future selves we saw before. Bit off more than I could chew, there. Had to try.

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