Kiwi Day N

by ColdFusion

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I mean, after they leave here. I love how the racial tensions run both ways and Ninjin isn't immune. Kaen's so adorably fathery here, you can tell I was feeling the lonelies hard when I wrote this.

I guess I was taking ownership of the setting by having some stuff actually change over time. It was weirdly quaint how bundling up made the Gagara 'sub-dwellers' into a people with face-focused strip clubs in the old comic, even if it was mostly a joke from... MADtv I think?

It didn't fit that well with the overall setting, and back then things weren't that well-thought-out, so that leaves me at this point really adding the Z to the DB in more ways than one. Anyway shemaghs really are cool, and people should totally wear them.

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