Kiwi Day N
by ColdFusion
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If there's one thing about older, less-streamlined game design I've never been fond of, it's the idea that you're meant to wander, stumble into things, do what you can, leave when you hit a wall, and come back later. People complain about when that's done intentionally nowadays but they don't remember how good they have it. On the other hand it can be kind of fun going in totally blind and not being guided from place to place.
Hel's tight pants make sharking look very silly. Anytime I drew her taking them off it looked really difficult. Probably should've gone with looser ones, for her sake, but it's a good look at least. These two kids are really adorable and I love their little quest. I've never quite gotten that balance of classic anime humor when it comes to shit like this, but at least we all know Kaen's pain here, yeah?
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