Kiwi Day N
by ColdFusion
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This page still gets me a lot of shit, and I'm not sure why. I don't think it was overly didactic, and it certainly wasn't explicit in the slightest. Just the culmination of Hel's whole "I do wut ah want" arc and trying to give a fuck about how Kimchi feels, tied in with her own animal-nature struggle.
It compares with her mom's arc, being a transformed animal, and contrasts with her dad and aunt's total lack of concern being natural crossbreeds. Plus panel 6 has some downright British wordplay.
Hmm, just noticed a bit of orange panel border on panel 5. Yeah see there was a lot of foreshadowing here even. Kimchi recently said he'd been to third base before, and he already gave Hel this reaction by rubbing her lower back when she was in Hell Kitty mode that one time, remember? To get her to do a specific magic attack while she was out of control?
I cranked the saturation up in that panel as a visual representation of le petite mort. That's about how it feels, yeah? Really this is a wonderful way for their relationship, which had gone from shallow gag to something inserted under pressure from a friend, to finally achieve official exclusivity status (something Mizu and Kaen had just examined). I'm damn proud of it, no matter what anyone says.
The only way this page could have been better is if Kimchi had some retort at the end. He's not the type to be like "don't be crude" especially when there's nobody else around, he's probably not going to feel like teasing her right now with a "maybe," and he's hardly going to be embarrassed by the implication, so really there's nothing to say.
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